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Low emission zones in Denmark
Automatic reading

Automatic reading

The control og the low emission zones is done using automatic license plate recognition (ANPR) combined with available data from the respective country's vehicle register.


In June 2020, the Danish parliament passed new legislation regarding low emission zones in Denmark. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency has the primary responsibility for enforcing the low emission zone rules, and Sund & Bælt collects vehicle data on behalf of the Danish Enviromental Protection Agency for use in deciding whether to issue a fixed-penalty notice.

In the five low emission zones, a number of checkpoints have been set up, where cameras use license plate recognition technology. The license plate data is compared to the data from vehicle registers in Denmark and abroad. Then it can determine whether vehicles driving in the low emission zone comply with the low emission zone rules.

Automatic recognition

There are signs displaying video surveillance at the fixed checkpoints.

Mobile checkpoint units

Controls are also carried out by way of vehicles driving in the low emission zones that are fitted with cameras with license plate recognition technology.

Low emission zone signposting

The low emission zones are marked by the following traffic signs when you enter or exit a low emission zone. 

Read more about road marking in the Danish Road Directorate´s Bekendtgørelse om vejafmærkning.

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  • Questions about fixed-penalties
  • Match of fixed-penalties
  • Incorrect payment of fixed-penalties

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  • General questions regarding the low emission zones
  • Guidance on the website
  • Information about possibility for exemptions and dispensation
Language: English