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Filter registration

Older non-Danish diesel-powered vehicles must have a particulate filter fitted or be a certain Euro standard in order for it to be used legally in the low emission zones.

When do I need to register a van, lorry, bus or a passenger car?

Only vehicles that comply with the low emission zone rules, but are registered the first time before the date limits below must be registered.

To comply with the rules the vehicle must be fitted with a particulate filter or be of a certain Euro standard.

Fixed-penalty notice

If you fail to register your vehicle with particulate filter, along with the required documentation mentioned below, you will be charged a fixed-penalty notice of:

  • Passenger car and vans: 1.500 DKK.
  • Lorries and busses: 12.500 DKK.

It is possible to get the fixed-penalty reduced to 1.000 DKK if you subsequently forward documentation that the vehicle applies with the low emission zone rules.

Vehicles that do not meet the date requirements and do not have a particulate filter or meet the Euro standard requirements do not have access to the low emission zones, and will be charged a penalty of DKK 1,500 for vans and passenger cars, and DKK 12,500 for lorries and buses.



First registration date

At least Euro

Passenger car

You must register a passenger car if it was registered for the first time before 1st January 2011


Van weighing up to 3,500 kgs

You must register a van if it was registered for the first time before 1st September 2016


Lorry over 3,500 kgs

You must register a lorry if it was registered for the first time before 1st January 2015


Bus over 3,500 kgs and more than nine seats including the driver's seat

You must register a bus if it was registered for the first time before 1st January 2015


List of countries where the Danish Environmental Protection Agency has access to the vehicle register, and does not need to register before entering the low emission zones:

  • Norway

If the particulate filter does not appear in the national vehicle register, you can register the vehicle with relevant documentation for particulate filter, to avoid a fixed-penalty notice.

Some campers are also included in the rules. You can read more about the requirements for campers here.

Vehicles registered abroad, which are more than 30 years old do not have to be registered.

Does your vehicle meet the requirements?

See here whether your vehicle complies with the low emission zone rules and can be used legally in the low emission zones.

How to register your vehicle

The registration must be made no later than the day of entering the low emission zone.

You can use your vehicle in the low emission zones right after it is registered. You do not have to wait for the Danish Environmental Protection Agency to confirm your registration is valid.

The registration is valid for five years.

Required information when registering your vehicle

When registering, the following documentation is required:

  • A copy of the vehicle’s current registration certificate.

And either:

  • Documentation of the vehicle’s Euro standard, if this does not appear on the registration certificate.
  • A declaration from an expert company or authority of the factory-fitted or retrofitted particulate filter. The declaration must be issued no later than 18 months prior to the registration for vans, lorries, buses and passenger cars. The declaration must be written in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish or English.

Random sample control

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency conducts sample controls of registrations and can decide that a registration is not valid, if the conditions for the registration have not been met. 

You can read more in statutory order no. 1066 of 3 August 2023 on requirements for diesel-powered lorries, buses, vans and passenger cars in municipally determined low emission zones etc. section 8 and 29 (4).

For more information of the registration obligation for foreign vehicles in relation to the Danish low emission zones, see:

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  • General questions regarding the low emission zones
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  • Information about possibility for exemptions and dispensation

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What can we help you with by e-mail?

  • Questions about fixed-penalties
  • Match of fixed-penalties
  • Incorrect payment of fixed-penalties

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What can we help you with by phone?

  • General questions regarding the low emission zones
  • Guidance on the website
  • Information about possibility for exemptions and dispensation
Language: English