As of 1st April 2025, it will be possible to register an exemption until the end of the second day after the vehicle was used in a low emission zone, provided it was used either in connection with:
- treatment at a hospital or by a medical specialist
- stays at a crisis centre or rehabilitation centre within a low emission zone.
These exemptions can be registered even if it is possible to retrofit a particulate filter to the vehicle.
There are no changes to the other types of exemptions.
Overview of the new exemption options as of 1st April 2025:
Changes to Hospital or medical specialist
Changes to Hospital or medical specialist
You are the owner or user of a passenger car or a van for private use, which is subject to the low emission zone regulations, and must use the vehicle in connection with treatment at a hospital or by a medical specialist located within a low emission zone.
The exemption must be registered at LINK no later than the end of the second day after the vehicle was used in a low emission zone, otherwise you risk receiving a fixed-penalty notice. For example, if the vehicle is used in the low emission zone on 1st May 2025, the exemption must be registered no later than 3rd May 2025 at 23:59 o’clock. The exemption can also be registered in advance if you know the period beforehand during which the vehicle will be used in a low emission zone.
An exemption can be registered for a period of up to 14 continuous days. It is possible to register this type of exemption multiple times, if relevant.
When registering this exemption, you must declare in good faith that the vehicle has been or will be used for treatment at a hospital or by a medical specialist within a low emission zone, and that the information provided is correct.
Treatment can for example include surgeries, blood tests, or visits to the emergency room or a general practitioner.
If you are unsure whether your errand meets the criteria for the exemption, you can contact the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
New exemption: Crisis centre or rehabilitation centre
New exemption: Crisis centre or rehabilitation centre
You are the owner or user of a passenger car or a van for private use, which is subject to the low emission zone regulations, and must use or has used the vehicle in connection with a stay at a crisis centre or rehabilitation centre located within a low emission zone.
The exemption must be registered at LINK no later than the end of the second day after the vehicle was used in a low emission zone, otherwise you risk receiving a fixed-penalty notice. For example, if the vehicle is used in the low emission zone on 1st May 2025, the exemption must be registered no later than on 3rd May 2025 at 23:59 o’clock. The exemption can also be registered in advance if you know the period beforehand during which the vehicle will be used in a low emission zone.
An exemption can be registered for a period of up to 30 continuous days. It is possible to register this type of exemption multiple times, if relevant.
When registering this exemption, you must declare in good faith that the vehicle has been or will be used in connection with a stay at a crisis centre or rehabilitation centre located within a low emission zone, and that the information provided is correct.
If you are unsure whether your errand meets the criteria for the exemption, you can contact the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Diesel-powered passenger cars and vans used for private purposes can still register an exemption in the situations described here.