Things worth knowing before filing for an objection
- Lack of knowledge of the low emission zone rules is not grounds for the cancellation of the fixed-penalty notice if the fixed-penalty notice has been issued on the correct basis.
- Fixed-penalty notices are always issued to the registered owner (user) of the vehicle, even if it was not the owner who was driving the car. In cases where it is not the registered owner (user) who files for an objection, a power of attorney must always be attached.
- If you have sold the vehicle, but still received a fixed-penalty notice, the fixed-penalty notices can be transferred to the new owner.
Get more detailed answers
I didn’t know about the low emission zone rules and now I’ve received a fixed-penalty notice
I didn’t know about the low emission zone rules and now I’ve received a fixed-penalty notice
The Danish Environment Protection Agency can’t cancel a fixed-penalty notice that has been issued on a correct basis. Lack of knowledge of the low emission zone rules is not grounds for the cancellation of the fixed-penalty notice. The low emission zones are designated by signs.
I’ve received a fixed-penalty notice, but I wasn’t the person driving the vehicle. What should I do?
I’ve received a fixed-penalty notice, but I wasn’t the person driving the vehicle. What should I do?
Fixed-penalty notices for illegal driving in low emission zones are always issued to the registered owner (user) of a vehicle, even if the owner (user) wasn’t the one driving it.
You can avoid criminal liability as an owner (user) if the person who drove the vehicle reports to the Danish Environment Protection Agency that it was them who drove the vehicle at the time of the offence, and they do so within 30 days of receipt of the issued fixed-penalty notice.
The driver can acknowledge the offence and pay the fixed-penalty here by clicking on “Claim a fixed-penalty” below and then entering the specified reference number and registration number.
Please note that, depending on the circumstances, it may be a criminal offence for an owner (user) of a vehicle to falsely name another person as the driver of the vehicle at the time of the offence.
It is also a criminal offence for a person other than the owner (user) to falsely identify themselves as the driver of the vehicle at the time of the offence.
In cases where the Danish Environment Protection Agency assesses that a criminal offence may have been committed as mentioned above, the Danish Environment Protection Agency will immediately submit a police report.
I’ve sold the vehicle, but still received a fixed-penalty
I’ve sold the vehicle, but still received a fixed-penalty
The fixed-penalty notice is issued to the registered owner (user) of the vehicle in the Vehicle Register. If the vehicle no longer belongs to you, you can have the new owner take over the fixed-penalty here. The fixed-penalty notice must be taken over within 30 days of issue. The driver/new owner can take over and pay the fixed-penalty by clicking on "Claim a fixed-penalty" and entering the reference number and registration number.
If you cannot contact the new owner, you can file for an objection to the fixed-penalty notice.
If the fixed-penalty is not paid, the case will be handed over to the police. If you already want the case to be transferred to the police, you must contact the Danish Environment Protection Agency at miljozoner@mst.dk
If you have sold a vehicle that the new owner has not re-registered, it is possible after 4 working days to contact the Motor Authority and have the vehicle deregistered. Read more here.
Do you want to file for an objection for a specific case?

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What can we help you with by e-mail?
- Questions about fixed-penalties
- Match of fixed-penalties
- Incorrect payment of fixed-penalties
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- General questions regarding the low emission zones
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- Information about possibility for exemptions and dispensation
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What can we help you with by phone?
- General questions regarding the low emission zones
- Guidance on the website
- Information about possibility for exemptions and dispensation