Vester Søgade 10

1601 København V

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Pay your fixed-penalty here

If you have received a fixed-penalty notice for driving in a low emission zone, you can pay on this webpage.

Pay a fixed-penalty

If you own a vehicle which has been driving illegally in a low emission zone, you can pay the fixed-penalty here.

Claim a fixed-penalty

If you were the driver of a vehicle used illegally in a low emission zone, you can claim the fixed-penalty from the owner/user within 30 days after the fixed-penalty was issued.

Would you like to file for an objection?

If you do not think you should pay the fixed-penalty, you can file for an objection. Read questions and answers about objections here.

Questions and answers regarding fixed-penalties

Is it possible to extend the payment due date in the fixed-penalty notice?

Yes, it is possible to have your payment due date extended. Please request to have your payment due date extended by making an objection in our self-service solution and stating your wish here.

I have received a fixed-penalty notice, but I was not me who drove the vehicle. What should I do?

Fixed-penalties notices for illegal driving in low emission zones are always issued to the registered owner (user) of a vehicle, even if the owner (user) was not the one driving it.
You can avoid criminal liability as an owner (user) if the person who drove the vehicle reports to the Danish Environment Protection Agency that it was they who drove the vehicle at the time of the offence, and they do so within 30 days of receiving the fixed-penalty notice. The driver can acknowledge the offence and pay the fixed-penalty here by clicking on “Claim a fixed-penalty” and then entering the specified reference number and registration number.

Please, note that depending on the circumstances, it may be a criminal offence for an owner (user) of a vehicle to falsely name another person as the driver of the vehicle at the time of the offence. It is also a criminal offence for a person other than the owner (user) to falsely identify themselves as the driver of the vehicle at the time of the offence.
In cases where the Danish Environmental Protection Agency assesses that a criminal offence may have been committed as mentioned above, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency will immediately file a police report.

Can I get multiple fixed-penalty notices?

Yes, you can. A fixed-penalty notice will be issued for each week that we record illegal usage of a vehicle in a low emission zone. Furthermore, a fixed-penalty notice will be issued for each low emission zone in which the vehicle has been used.

Therefore, for every week you use your vehicle illegally in one or more low emission zones, you will receive one or more fixed-penalty notices until your vehicle complies with the rules.

What happens when I have filed for an objection?

Once you have filed for an objection for a fixed-penalty notice, your case is automatically put on hold, so you do not need to take any further action until you have received a response to your objection.

Are there other places where I can pay the fixed-penalty?

You can pay fixed-penalty using your credit card by clicking “Pay a fixed-penalty”. You can also pay the fixed-penalty notice by using the payment slip enclosed with the fixed-penalty notice. Payment information is also provided on the fixed-penalty notice.

Where can I find a receipt for my payment?

If you pay here on the website, you will get a receipt once you have completed the payment, which you can then download. The receipt will not be sent directly to you.

If you pay using the payment slip attached to the fixed-penalty notice, it will appear on your bank statement in accordance with the agreement you have with your bank.

Check the rules for your vehicle

Passenger cars

Diesel-powered passenger cars must have a particulate filter for legal use in the low emission zones.

Rules for passenger cars


Older diesel-powered vans must have a particulate filter for legal use in the low emission zones. This applies to vans, which are used for both private and commercial purposes.

Rules for vans

Lorries & buses

Older diesel-powered lorries and buses must have a particulate filter for legal use in the low emission zones.

Rules for lorries and buses

If you could not find the answers to your questions, we are ready to help

You can contact us in three different ways. Please choose the one that suits your inquiry best:

Write to us

We will respond as soon as possible

Get help on questions about fixed-penalties.

What can we help you with by e-mail?
  • Questions about fixed-penalties
  • Match of fixed-penalties
  • Incorrect payment of fixed-penalties

Chat with us

Open Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

For simple questions about low emission zones and the website - get a quick response.

What can we help you with by chatting?
  • General questions regarding the low emission zones
  • Guidance on the website
  • Information about possibility for exemptions and dispensation

Call us

Open Monday to Friday at 9 AM to 11.30 AM

Get guidance on the website and general rules for the low emission zones.

What can we help you with by phone?
  • General questions regarding the low emission zones
  • Guidance on the website
  • Information about possibility for exemptions and dispensation